The excellent book by Captain C. Shore entitled “WITH BRITISH SNIPERS TO THE REICH” was first published in 1948.
Captain Shore was formerly an “officer sniping instructor at the British Army of the Rhine Training Centre.”
For research purposes, here are the photos from his book which deal with British snipers and equipment. I encourage sniping enthusiasts to try to purchase a copy of this book which is long out of print. and eBay are good sources.
Title page for WITH BRITISH SNIPERS TO THE REICH by Captain C. Shore, 1948. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948
Some of the staff of the sniping school in Germany, during July-August 1945. The Scottish bonnets are those of the Lovat Scouts with blue and white dicing. Author Captain C. Shore is in the centre of the back row. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 FP 134
Movement as taught at the British Sniping School. Note how the rifle is held. WWII British snipers WBSTTR2 – Shore 1948 fp 262
” ‘The big telescope afforded a terrific advantage to the British sniper.’ (The observer in above sketch is using the telescope case as a head rest.)”WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 247
Sniper observing with a Scout Regiment Telescope among the sand dues on the German island of Sylt at a British Army sniping school. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 327
WWII British sniper demonstrating an unconventional shooting position, one often used in British match rifle competitions. It is a good position to drop into for a quick shot from sloping ground or to fit into a small shell hole or hide. WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 135 bottom
WWII British sniper in the regular prone position. WBSTTR – Shore 1948 FP 119 BOTTOM
An unconventional shooting position well known to American shooters. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 135
British sniper using the Hawkins Position in the sand dunes at Sniping School. The gloves prevent hand glare visible in other photos. Island of Sylt. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 327 bottom
WWII British sniper in the low silhouette Hawkins shooting position. WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 119 top
WWII British “sniper pair in training. “One shooting, one observing with telescope … around cover. Notice the tremendous difference the sniper smock and camouflage veil man in a man’s ‘merging into the ground’ compared with the battledressed and bareheaded observer. WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 263
WWII British sniper wearing camouflaged Denison smock. faceveil on head and carrying No. 4 (T) sniper rifle with No. 32 scope. Smock was designed for airborne troops and has a crotch strap which keeps smock from riding up WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 103
WWII British sniper wearing a snow suit. These were worn a good deal in the Ardennes affair (“Battle of the Bulge”. The dark coloured buttons were considered a serious fault. WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 118
German camouflage jacket worn normally, The camouflage is in a blotched pattern of brown and green. On the right is the same jacket worn reversed, for use in snow. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 294
WWII British sniping accessory The author Capt. Shore “wearing a black ‘night cowl’ which proved to be a most useful little gadget for night work – dusk and dawn. One of the bitter complaints which the British troops had against the Boers, during the Boer War, was the fact that you couldn’t see the blighters on account of their whiskers, especially the older ones who wore a full suit of hair.” WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 279
WWII British sniper’s kit layout. Scout Regiment Telescope in case at top left; binoculars (top left as well; prismatic compass half out of pouch; General; Service watch (on cuff of smock); Camouflaged Denison smock and No. 4 (T) sniper rifle with No. 32 telescope fitted. WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 102
WWII British No. 4 (T) sniper rifle with No. 32 scope and special sniping butt. This is likely a Canadian Long Branch made rifle. WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 183
Standard British No. 4 (T) sniper rifle. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 150 top
The late WWII Canadian pattern No. 4 MK. I* (T) sniper rifle with Monte Carlo butt which has a rubber butt pad. Interestingly this rifle is fitted with a No. 32 scope rather than the C No. 32 MK. 4 (renamed C No. 67 Mk. I) usually found on the rifles fitted with this butt stock. No. 4 (T) British sniper rifle. WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 150 bottom
The Scout Regiment Telescope MK. IIs. “A three draw, bulky, clumsy and heavy glass but a splendid instrument in the hands of a skilled observer. It magnified about 20 diameters, with a field view of but 1-1/2 degrees and if properly used, could penetrate deep shadows, show up enemy camouflage and reveal badges of rank with ease. Under suitable conditions it would show up troop movements to a distance of 10 miles. Generally, this big telescope took over when the lower powered binoculars ‘gave out’.” WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 151
Upper view is of the firing points and lower view is of the butts on a British range constructed on a German field firing range in the summer of 1945. The main object was to get away from normal firing point construction and practice, yet not entirely interfere with the natural topography. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 326
“New” (circa 1945) British targets. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 310
Dummy head as a decoy for enemy snipers. At Sniping School. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 295 top
Dummy heads ar Sniping School, WWII. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 295 bottom
Life-sized dummy used at the German island of Sylt to teach observation. The dummy could have various b badges of rank, and different uniforms. Used in various positions (sitting, prone, sitting and standing, and hauled around to simulate moving targets by means of wires. WWII British snipers WBSTTR – Shore 1948 fp 311