One of my ancestral families is the HUME family. My father’s maternal grandmother’s family. This was an Irish family and they settled in Ontario, Canada in the Warwick Township, Lambton County, north of Windsor. The people there were farmers and life was very tough for them.
Francis Hume (1835 – 1898) and wife Sarah KERSEY (1840-1939).
Their children were:
- Jane M. HUME (1862 – 1952) (my great-grandmother)
- Silas Edward HUME (1865 – 1926)
- Elizabeth HUME (1866 – 1883)
- Martha Ann HUME (Born about 1870)
- Bertha Mary Alena HUME (Born 1873 Died between 1886 – 1889)
- Wilberforce Basil HUME (1875 – 1897)
- Florence Grace HUME (Feb 1884 – 1913 in Manhattan, NY, USA)
- Earl Walter HUME (8 May 1886 – 28 Apr 1918)
My father’s middle name was Hume.
WANTED TO PURCHASE: Book “LAMBTON & KENT – The story of the Clink and connected Families in Lambton and Kent Counties in Western Ontario” by William L. Clink Author and Publisher, 1987. I would be happy with a good photocopy if an original is not available.
A family legend, totally unverified as yet, is that Hume Cronyn the actor was somehow related to us. My sister Marjorie wrote to him in 1991. His reply letter is shown below. Family legends often have some grain of truth in them, but can sometimes be completely incorrect. It is something to research in the future to prove or disprove. Can we believe what Hume Cronyn wrote in the letter? Of course we can, as he is a self-confessed “terrible liar”!
There is NO known connection beyond having the name HUME in common. It is a family surname, also used as a Christian (first) or middle name. However it is interesting that Hume Cronyn was born in London, Ontario which is only about 57 Km from Warwick where my HUME family were located. IF there is a connection though, it could be generations back in Ireland. It would be a fun topic to research as I very much enjoyed Mr. Cronyn’s work in films e.g. “Batteries Not Included” and “Cocoon.”

Hume CRONYN biography from IMDb