Canada built and used trailers with her military vehicles.
In WWII the sizes were by hundredweight (Cwt.) which equals 112 pounds. Thus: 10 Cwt. = 1/2 Ton (jeep and small truck size).
10 Cwt.

Trailer 10 Cwt, GS Code 10-P-GS as made by Willys-Overland. From Dr. Bill Gregg reprint of a 1944 Vehicle Data Book of the Canadian Army.


Pages 55 – 56 from Volume VII of the Canadian DESIGN RECORD (originally published by the “Army Engineering Design Branch” (AEDB) as a set of 8 volumes published in 1945. These scans are from originals of the next edition – a 2 book set published by Directorate of Vehicle Development, QMG Branch, DND.
Canada used and built many other trailers. The above are just some of the most common WWII types.
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