was located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Dartmouth Academy no longer exists except in our memories, in souvenirs, and on Internet pages. It was started in the early 1960s in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
My younger brother David and I were among the earliest students. At first we attended classes in the basement of a church, and some of us were in the living room of Mr. Lorimer, the English teacher. An old house near the shore of Banook Lake was used as the headmaster’s residence I believe and I can recall serving detention in there sitting at old desks with cast iron frames in the garage. Later a new school was built up the slope. We boarded there for awhile and we slept in a new classroom in bunk-beds!

The uniform was a blue blazer and a red and blue striped tie. This was no problem for me as I had worn a more formal English school uniform in Rome, Italy before coming to Dartmouth.

The school choral group in the summer of 1963. The closing exercises were held at the Southdale School Auditorium. This would be the end of the first year of the school.
BACK ROW: Second from left: David Stevens (aged about 11); Gordon Stokoe third from left (identified by John Lorimer); Colin Stevens (me, aged about 12) 5th from left; Rodney Lyons ? seventh from left; John Lorimer, eight from left.
CENTRE ROW: Far left Rick Gallipeau. In centre is Pierre Fichaud (Identified by himself) Second from right Paul Fichaud (Identified by his brother Pierre Fichaud).
FRONT ROW: Far right Glen Heggie (He wrote “looking at the newspaper article from the 1963 closing I see myself on the extreme right in the front row (I was in Lower V at the time). The boy on the far right with the Zither MAY be Matthew Maxwell – I cannot recognize him, but have a dim memory – possibly incorrect – that he had this task. Although other faces look familiar, I’m not sure of identities. Peter Gallipeau is not in the photo according to his brother Rick. From the Dartmouth Free Press July 4, 1963 (Dr. Estelle Stevens’ album)
The standards were high and we received a good education. Mr. Roxburough, a former Spitfire pilot from Scotland, was the Headmaster.
Mr. J. D. Lorimer was my English teacher and was acting Headmaster in January 1964. He was a Scotsman who had fought in North Africa during World War II and had been captured. He told us he later escaped from the prison train by making a hole in the floor and dropping out under the train. He was very dramatic during his English classes, often acting out stories. I remember him reading a scary poem by Edgar Allen Poe. He closed the window blinds, turned off the lights, and he may have lit a candle. He ALWAYS had chalk dust on his tweed jacket. As I recall, he did not like students writing notes while he was talking and he would throw a piece of chalk across the room and hit your pen hand if you did so! We learned to pay attention! His son John was in some of my classes. On Halloween, we had to perform before he would give us a treat at his home.
Mrs. Vaila Mowat was my Latin teacher and we learned the correct pronunciation – not the incorrect pronunciation as used by the lawyers and certain churches. What did Julius Caesar (pronounced Yulius Kaisar) say when he first saw Britain and why did the Britons surrender? Because he said “VENI, VIDI, VICI” (pronounced weenie, weedy, weakie). The Brits thought he was calling them weenie, weedy and weakie – and so they gave up. A silly Latin joke (which makes me wonder how many thousands of years old it really is!) but I still remember how to pronounce the words and what Caesar said. By the way, Veni = I came, Vidi = I saw, Vici = I conquered.
Mr. James M. Roxburgh (Hon. London, M.A. Cantab) was our Headmaster. He told us that he had been a Spitfire pilot during WWII. I remember him saying that when he got back to Scotland, he bent down and kissed the ground. He was an odd sort, and my report card shows that he did not like me.
Rick Gallipeau rick at gallipeau.com remembers Mr. Roxburgh saying: “Never miss an opportunity.”
Glen Heggie wrote in 2007 July “The school crest that you show was originally drawn by my mother (Jean Heggie) in our living-room. I still remember the lengthy conversations and rationale behind each of the crest’s component parts. Somehow I managed to hold on to the small book of fighter aces presented to “Roxy” when he completed flight school, indeed the man must have made a significant impression on me as I dedicated my doctoral thesis to him. Then, of course, there was his black Alsatian – Sable – and Mrs Walton, our French teacher Mrs Maxwell, and the gastric challenge of “boarder porridge”. Anyway, I just wanted to establish contact and thank you for creating this site. “
Later Mr. T. E. W. Browne became Headmaster (by January 1966).

Farewell party for Mr. T. E. W. Brown, Headmaster of Dartmouth Academy. Left to right: E. H. Walsh, Chairman of the Board; Dr. Estelle Stevens, Secretary; Mr. Browne; Captain (N) M. Anketell-Jones, Vice-Chairman, and Dr. A. H. (Pete) Stevens. Naval Captain Anketell-Jones died about 2002-2003. Dr. Pete Stevens died in 1985. I had been told by my mother that Mr. Browne had died under very sad circumstances the day after the photo was taken, however Mr. Browne’s colleagues now report: “Wing Commander T.E.W. Browne, RAFVR (Ret’d) MA, M.Sc, ARLC, Conway 34-36, known to a generation of cadets when Headmaster at Conway as “TEWB”, is listed in the 1970 Conway Club Membership List as being retired and residing at an address at Old Quay Lane, Neston in the Wirral.” (Info from M R H Llewellyn, Conway 1947-49 via Steve Budd, HMS Conway 1971-3 on 2006-05-22)
TEWB was not a Conway student but rather he was staff and at times, Headmaster there, between 1934-64 with a brief interlude whilst he left the Ship to fight in WWII. [Info via Steve Budd]
As most students had terrible hand-writing, we all had to learn Italic handwriting. We had to buy Osmiroid fountain pens at $1.50 each. Left-handed students such as my brother David, had a special nib with a bend in it. As I recall, spare nibs were 35-cents each. They were gold plated and we had to suck them to remove the wax coating to allow the ink to flow smoothly, and one quickly learned to suck the nib BEFORE one filled the pen! The pens had a lever on the side and one placed the nib of the pen in a bottle of permanent black ink, pulled the lever down, and then up again, all without knocking over the bottle! One learned not to drop the pen as ink would splatter. If the cap was on the pen at the time, one had ink stained fingers next time it was used.

The dreaded report card! Cover and blank page from a 1964 Dartmouth Academy report card. [click on images to enlarge them] You don’t think I’m going to show you my filled in one – do you?]
Our physical training was very strict. We wore white shorts and T shirt for sports. As we had no proper playing field, we ran several miles through Dartmouth to a large playing field overlooking the harbour where a Holiday Inn was later built I believe. I recall hearing the news of the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy when I dropped in to visit my family en route one day to the sports field, and then racing to catch up to the others and pass the word to my classmates, some of whom refused to believe me.
Larry Peacock, Stewart Churchill, Donald Steele, Patrick Ankatell-Jones (Bath, England) etc. Where are they all now I wonder? Some such as John Lorimer (Ottawa, Ontario) have surfaced through the means of this web page.
Colin Macgregor Stevens seaforth72 (at) gmail.com

1967 issue of THE QUILL magazine written by the students.

Some of the Students

PHOTO OF STUDENTS IN UPPER III (?), 1966. Photo by Mrs. Mowat, Latin Teacher and Home Room Teacher for this class.
- Greg Welsh (far left)
- Allan Ferrier
- Neil Jacobson
- Colin Stevens (front centre) (Now in Richmond, BC 2020)
- Gordon Stokoe
- Peter Hope-Simpson
- Gerald Tanner
- Kevin Murray
- Donald Steele (Now in Windsor, ON 2002)
- David Miller

PHOTO OF STUDENTS from Rick Gallipeau. Rick is front and centre. Colin’s brother David Thomas Stevens is in the centre rear standing in a grey sweater with a tie. Far right: Larry Peacock I believe. Leftmost aisle, third from back (small boy with red hair, blazer, tie and white teeth smile) is Larry Peacock’s brother, Sandy.
Upper I in 1966-1967. Photo submitted by Bryan McLennan.
D’Arcy modopup (at) Comcast.net – “I was one of the first girls admitted to DA – I started in 1968 I believe (memory getting foggy!). My mother was with a friend who was signing her son up when the board came out of a meeting where they had just decided to allow girls to attend the school. A lady asked my mother and her friend if they knew of any girls who would like to come to the academy – where upon my mother told her most definitely yes, and promptly signed me up. I started in L 3 and stayed through graduation in 1977.”
- Ankatell-Jones, Patrick (whose sister Judy went to the girls’ school in Halifax) English family. His parents now live in France. They used to live in the “Ink Bottle House” (red mid-1800s eight-sided, i.e. octagonal, house by Sullivan’s Pond – since demolished.) About 2020 Patrick was Mayor of the City of Bath in England. His father is shown in the photo of Mr. Browne’s retirement.
- Baxter, David
- Bland, Bob
- Bruner, Peter Eric pebep telus net – Calgary AB – 1969-1977, L2 to U3 (grades 2-9 & ages 5-12)
- Cameron, Donald
- Churlish, Stewart/Stuart ? (either he or Peter Hope-Simpson had a 10 or 2-speed bike as I recall)
- Cole, T.
- Cooper, Malcolm
- Cullum, Hugh
- Dauphinee, B.
- Doe, Earlston
- Donovan, Paul
- Etchells, Dave Dave.etchells sympatico ca
- Ferrier, Allan (very bright fellow in my class)
- Fletcher, Pierre prf51 videotron ca [newly listed 2022 June]
- Gallipeau, Rick rick gallipeau com [2002 March 24]
- Gates, Bob
- Gates, Bruce
- Graham, Robert
- Hand, Richard Frederick rhand chebucto ns ca http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~rhand/background.html
- Heggie, Glen heggieg health missouri edu [2007 July 18]
- Hope-Simpson, Ian
- Hope-Simpson, Peter
- Horne, Edward
- Hutchinson, Bill
- Jacobson, Neil
- Jeffcock, Malcolm
- Kent, Jeffrey
- King, John
- Laidler, Brant
- Lamplugh, Jamie
- LaPierre, D
- Lorimer, John (his father was my English teacher) JLORIMER Ottawahospital on ca [2002Jan 03 living in Ottawa, ON]
- Lovitt, Steen
- Maxwell, Matthew (his mother was the French teacher I believe)
- Maxwell, Pete (brother of Matthew?)
- McKissock, Mark
- Miller, David
- Murray, Kevin
- Nuquist, Clay pootsnuke verizon net
- Sandra Oakley-Andrews lilacorn attcanada ca (as of 2002 Nov. 23)
- Peacock, Larry
- Peacock, Sandy (Larry’s brother – red hair?) See class photo above.
- Pelletier, Fred
- Perkins, John
- Raine, George ???
- Seeton, Timothy TSeeton msn com (as of 2002 Nov. 20)
- Steele, Donald (In 2002 he was living in Windsor, ON)
- Stephens, Christopher
- Spencer, Gordon
- Stevens, Colin seaforth72 gmail com (Eldest brother of Dave & Rob)
- Stevens, David treewind ///// bc //// sympatico ///// ca (brother of Colin & Rob)
- Stevens, Robert (1962-2001) (Brother of Colin & Dave) https://captainstevens.com/genealogy-colin-macgregor-stevens/stevens-genealogy/robert-duncan-stevens/
- Stokoe, Gordon
- Tanner, Gerald
- Jeff Thornhill JThornhill ///// baf \\\\\ com
- Welsh, Greg now in Victoria, BC (2003 March) gregwelsh /////shaw \\\\\ca
- Welsh, Timothy
- White, Robert
- Uhma, Tom
Some old email addresses
- Nancy L nan //// accesswave \\\\ ca
- Nancy H nholland //// canoemail ////com
- Nancy B nbrookbank //// sympatico \\\\\ ca
- Michelle hovey //// supercity \\\\ ns ////ca
- Merle merlek46\\\\\earthlink /////net
- Mary marydoane //// videotron\\\\\ca>
- Mark F adsterix //// hotmail //// com
- Louisa louisa//// ns ////sympatico /////ca
- Ken seton////setonfamily\\\\com
- Kathy kathy_temple////hotmail////com
- Karen kpet1\\\\attcanada//// ca
- John W2 john.wetherell////CA////exel\\\\com
- John W john.webber////cibc////com
- Jo-Ann Jo-Ann.Oakley///// aventis\\\\com
- Jane R<jane.rogerson\\\\ ns////sympatico/////ca
- Jane H <[email protected]>
- Hugh <[email protected]>
- Helen <[email protected]>
- Gordon <[email protected]>
- David <[email protected]>
- D’Arcy T. (now D’H.) <[email protected]>
- Colin Stevens <[email protected]>
- Christopher <[email protected]>
- Chris B <[email protected]>
- Charles <[email protected]>
- Annette Markusic <[email protected]>
- Andy <[email protected]>
- Alison McDonald <[email protected]>
- Alfred <[email protected]>
- Andrews
- Annis
- Arnsdorf
- Barton
- Bayer
- Bell
- Bray
- Brennan
- Brock
- Burns
- Caldwell
- Christensen
- Churlish
- Coffin
- Coblentz
- Cole
- Croswell
- Cruikshank
- Daykin
- Fuller
- Greer
- Grounds
- Gordon
- Hart
- Harris
- Homes
- Jacobson
- Linquist
- Marlborough (a teacher?)
- Martin
- Macknight
- McCarthy
- Miller
- Monteith
- Moreira
- Murphy
- Page
- Paul

This was the nearest candy store as I recall. In the mid-1960s when this photo was taken, I remember that a bag of Scott’s (Scotties?) potato chips cost 5 cents. A licorice twist cost 2 cents. A bottle of pop was 10 cents I believe, and we complained when it went up to 12 cents for a 16 Oz bottle of Coco Cola. Notice all the kids hanging around the store? One is arriving on a wagon and another on a tricycle. The blond boy to the right of the doorway is my youngest brother Rob Stevens.
George Raine raineg (at) nb.sympatico.ca
Monday, January 28, 2002 8:41 PM
I was delighted to come across your home page and the souvenirs of Dartmouth Academy. I attended from 1966-1968, Lower VI and Upper I, as I recall. I left the following year and attended Institut Montana, an international school in Zug, Switzerland. Following that I went to Queen’s University, accomplishing little but meeting my wife of the past 27 years.
I worked in Ontario, where I began a career in Human Resources with Stelco. Since 1992, I have lived in eastern Canada — back in Dartmouth until 1998, when I moved to Moncton and took a position as Vice President of Human Resources with the Irving Group of Companies based here [a branch of the family business headed by Robert Irving, one of KC’s grandsons].
Like yourself, I was a reservist, having served in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada [the Lincs and Winks sister regiment, having protected one another’s flanks in the old 4th Cdn Armd Div]. I later served with the Princess Louise Fusiliers in Halifax.
I remember little of the Academy, although I can still wield the Osmiroid. Do you recall another Spitfire pilot, a science teacher named Bayliss? 5 Sqn, flying Spit XIVs off the Red Road in Calcutta on combat air patrol over Burma. Many of the names on your page are familiar: I particularly recall Hugh Cullum [father was an architect] and Brain Dauphinee. I once ran into Malcolm Cooper in Ottawa — many years ago — he was doing a Masters in military history at the time.
George Raine [Capt]
John Lorimer Thursday, January 03, 2002 9:24 AM He worked at the Ottawa Hospital in 2002.
Colin A friend of mine from Dartmouth stumbled across my name on your site and I’be been meaning to respond for awhile. I don’t really know the whereabouts of many from Dartmouth Academy. I do see Patrick A-J [Ankatell-Jones] every so often in England but I gather your mothers still keep in touch so I`m sure any news you have is more current than mine. My father in fact died last Fall after some years of bad health, otherwise little news. Best wishes for 2002 John L [John Lorimer]
Mark Reid Mark.Reid (at) warmuseum.ca 2006 May
What a marvelous surprise to find your web-site with a section on the Dartmouth Academy. It’s been about 35 years since I left the school but every now and then I recall Mr. John’s sing-song voice or any of the other ‘characters ‘ who still appear from out the mists of memory. Although I attended the school a little after you did ( c.1970-71 ) some of the surnames rang bells. I suspect I knew the younger brothers of your classmates.
The masters must have changed by ‘my time ‘ too, but Mr Bayliss, and his flying chalk, still figure large in my memories. Mr. Sainton taught French, Mr. Longley inspired us all with English Literature, Duncan Coates aided us in Latin and dear old Mr. Johns, late PO in the RN, taught Math. Mr. Gregory was the Head, ‘though we seldom saw him except to wait outside his door for retribution. Mrs. Azamakas (sp?) tried to stoke our artistic fires, to little avail I suspect.
The students I can recall are as follows;
David Nodwell, a minister’s son.
Paul Hansen, a champion paddler who later attended Carleton University in Ottawa.
Mark Adams, from Toronto.
Malcolm Jeffcock
Peter Stokoe
Jack Forward
Christopher Sweet
Nigel Green
Steven Sidaway
Glen Heggie 2007-07-18 heggieg (at) health.missouri.edu
“My goodness I can’t believe that I found this site – looking at the newspaper article from the 1963 closing I see myself on the extreme right in the front row (I was in Lower V at the time). The school crest that you show was originally drawn by my mother (Jean Heggie) in our living-room; I still remember the lengthy conversations and rationale behind each of the crest’s component parts. Somehow I managed to hold on to the small book of fighter aces presented to “Roxy” when he completed flight school, indeed the man must have made a significant impression on me as I dedicated my doctoral thesis to him. Then, of course, there was his black Alsatian – Sable – and Mrs Walton, our French teacher Mrs Maxwell, and the gastric challenge of “boarder porridge”. Anyway, I just wanted to establish contact and thank you for creating this site.
Glen Heggie, EdD, FCAMRT Chair, Cardiopulmonary and Diagnostic Sciences”
Missouri, USA (He was formerly in Alberta)
Clay Nuquistpootsnuke (at) verizon.met
Along with My brothers, Wade and Ryan Nuquist, we attended the Academy from Fall 1968-Summer 1971. Wade started out in Upper 1, I was Lower 5 and Ryan was Lower 3 . Our father was a U. S. Navy diving officer on an exchange duty diving program set up between the US Navy and Canadian Navy. Wade knew Paul Hanson and actualIy received this website info from him and passed it on to me. I also recall some of the teachers names as well, Mr. Longley always had a joke to tell. Mr. Sainton chewed on his beard alot and always pronounced everyone’s name with more of an accent when our grades were poor. Mr. Johns rambled. Mrs. Greenaway always let the “little ones” have the chocolate milk, even though the older ones paid more for it. Duncan Coates was tossed out the window in the snow from the 1st floor room on numerous occasions. Mr. Stanley (History) was so intrigued with our American History Encylopedia that my brother brought in, discussed that the American version of the Revolution showed that a letter was intercepted from General Cornwallis, where the British/Canadian version stated the letter was “lost.” There was this Math/Science teacher from Pakistan who always would change the classes from one to the other and always slammed his book on the desk and would yell, ” When I say it’s Mats, It’s Mats!!!”
We were involved with a speed reading program that was established.
Some of my classmates names from Lower 5 (1968-69), Lower 6 (1969-70) and Upper 1(1970-71) : Colin Brison, Harsh Mishra, Tom Barton, Brian Baker, David and Peter Vincent (twins- they were skiers), William Philips, Jaime Lampugh, Simon Gregory (Mr. Gregory’s son), Jaime Fowler, Gregory Heinz. I am sure that my parents have some more info that I would like to gather.
Just figured I would add a few lines to this that you could use if you wanted. Hope this brings back some more memories, even though we attended later than you.
My family left Dartmouth the summer of 1971 to return to Maryland then my dad retired to Florida where my two brothers have also settled. I have returned to Maryland to pursue my line of work in medicine. I did return to Nova Scotia in 1985 but limited time kept me from looking for the Academy. Thanks for bringing back some memories to share.
Clay Nuquist
Found you site by way of a link on Facebook.
I was at the academy 1964-Feb 1968.
I was one of the four (Gregg Welsh, Larry Peacock, Sandy Peacock and myself) who won scholarships in 1964.
Your site brings back many memories.
[add photo]
In this picture from Rick Gallipeau, I am in the near aisle at the back (blazer, tie and glasses)
I recognize some of the guys (I think)
Sitting on the desk (to my back left grey sweater) is John Devlin? To my immediate left John Perkins (black blazer , no glasses) Two seats in front of me Sandy Peacock I am sure I will remember more names later.
Keep up the good work.
Dave Etchells Ottawa, ON
Dave.etchells (at) sympatico.ca
Scholar winners were:
Hugh McEwen,
John D’Orsay
Dave Etchells
Thomas Peacock (Sandy)
Gregory Welsh
[NOTE FROM COLIN STEVENS: I remember Sandy Peacock and Greg Welsh.]
Jeff Thornhill JThornhill (at) baf.com 2008 Jan 25
… I started at the Academy 1972 and graduated in 1978. The year 1972 marked a year that they decided to call grade 7 ” Transition” ,as it was a year of leaving elementary school behind, and preparing for the rigors of Upper School. It was great to see the names on your site. I would love to have mine added.
Best wishes.
Jeff Thornhill
Head of Chezzetcook,
Nova Scotia, Canada