56 Canadian Reconnaissance Squadron – A very rare title as the squadron only existed for 1 year while on United Nations Emergency Force in Gaza with Ferret Scout Cars.
All insignia listed here is, unless stated otherwise, original to the best of my knowledge. I use an Ultra-Violet light to check cloth insignia. Modern replica usually have any white glow very brightly under UV. 7-day return privilege for full refund if not satisfied.
Prices are in Canadian dollars. Postage is extra. $1.00 for a cloth title mailed to a Canadian address as it can go in an envelope. Ask for quote for metal badge or crest. I am happy to combine shipments to save you money. To make a purchase or ask questions, please click on CONTACT ME(here or on the right side if the header bar.) I do accept PayPal and EMT in Canada.
Items are marked >>>>> SOLD PENDING FUNDS <<<<< once someone commits to a purchase, and then are removed after the buyer has received them and is satisfied.
Canadian Special Air Service Company insignia - complete collection. The unit never rebadged in its short 2-year existance, but a veteran of the unit created fantasy insignia. I have a complete set, purchased from the late Dr. Bill Windrum.
REPLICA/FAKE insignia of various Commando units. Sold to me as originals but I know now that they are fakes/replicas. Good for reference or reenacting.
ORIGINAL 1 Canadian Parachute Battalion insignia. I am downsizingn and narrowing the scope of my collection.
$__ CAD (PRICE TO BE DETERMINED) British Security Coordination (BSC) World War II intelligence organization of "A Man Called Intrepid", William Stephenson. Made by SCULLY in Canada. Ordered by a seniopr officer in BSC, but vetoed by Intrepid when he heard of this. He said BSC was NOT a uniformed organization. Indeed they controlled espionage in North, Central and South Armerica. EXTREMELY RARE. Came in two versions. One with name spelled out, and one with initials similar to the RFC and RAF cap badge. I verified the story with Supt. Ernest Bavin RCMP who was Intrepid's BSC liaison Officer with the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover in particular.
C PRO C title NOS for BD - front C PRO C title NOS for BD - back
C1 - CANADIAN PROVOST CORPS Shoulder title, for battledress. New Old Stock. WWII to 1970s. This is likely from 1960s. $10
21 SAS Artists' Rifles cap badge - front Reproduction possibly 21 SAS Artists' Rifles cap badge -back Reproduction possibly
C2 - 21 SAS ARTISTS 21 Special Air Service. Cap badge. White metal. Very large. Bought as an original but it may be a reproduction. My number CMS1072 $75
FMR slider tang QC - front FMR slider tang QC - back
C3 - Cap badge. "FMR" Fusiliers Mont Royal. NUNQUAM RETRORSUM
slider. From the Dr. Bill Windrum Collection. $8
FMR damaged tang QC - Front
FMR damaged tang QC - Back
C4 - Cap badge. "FMR" Fusiliers Mont Royal. NUNQUAM RETRORSUM
DAMAGED ON BACK - Tip of slider broken off but does not affect the wearing of display of badge. From the Dr. Bill Windrum Collection. $5
1 Canadian Infantry Division - Slightly mismatched colour pair. One on right has been on a uniform.
C5 - 1 Canadian Infantry Division patches, pair. WWII to 1950s. Cloth. $40
Reconnaissance Regiment
Reconnaissance Regiment
Reconnaissance Regiment
C6 - Cap badge, RECONNAISSANCE REGIMENT, British WWII. Brass. $50
56 Canadian Reconnaissance Squadron - A very rare title as the squadron only existed for 1 year while on United Nations Emergency Force in Gaza with Ferret Scout Cars.
56 Canadian Reconnaissance Squadron – A very rare title as the squadron only existed for 1 year while on United Nations Emergency Force in Gaza with Ferret Scout Cars.
56 Canadian Reconnaissance Squadron – A very rare title as the squadron only existed for 1 year while on United Nations Emergency Force in Gaza with Ferret Scout Cars.
C7 - VERY RARE - 56 CANADIAN RECONNAISSANCE SQUADRON title. Worn for one year only by one Squadron only. Members were former members of LdSH and RCD. They operated Ferret Scout Cars in UNEF in Gaza. $150
Royal Regt of Canada
Royal Regt of Canada
C8 - THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF CANADA WWII 2nd Canadian Division shoulder titles. Matched pair. $80
Royal Regt of Canada
Royal Regt of Canada
C9 - THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF CANADA WWII 2nd Canadian Division. Different backing from pair above. $40
Calgary Highlanders of Canada.
Calgary Highlanders of Canada.
Calgary Highlanders of Canada.
C10 - THE CALGARY HIGHLANDERS OF CANADA. WWII 2nd Canadian Division. This is the unit of Sgt. Harold Marshall, Canadian sniper now famous due to photos of him. Worn on Battledress but NOT on the Denison smock. $80
Fusiliers Mont-Royal REPRODUCTION maybe as the CANADA glows under UV light.
Fusiliers Mont-Royal REPRODUCTION maybe as the CANADA glows under UV light.
Fusiliers Mont-Royal REPRODUCTION maybe as the CANADA glows under UV light.
C11 - FUSILIERS MONT-ROYAL CANADA. Matching pair of shoulder titles. The white word CANADA GLOWS under UV light suggesting that it is a replica. $25 for the pair.