BATTLE OF SNOQUALMIE (U.S. Civil War re-enactment) 2016 AUGUST 13-14 at Snoqaulmie, Washington, USA.
I enjoy military history and also taking action photos. Civil War re-enactments cover both of those for me.
My wife and I attended this event in Sunday August 14 and found that all of the re-enactors were very friendly and hospitable. There was of course no real “Battle of Snoqualmie” as this was simply the available location for the event. It was hot that day and one cannot help but admire the fortitude of the re-enactors dressed in woolen uniforms or hoop skirts. Images were taken in high resolution but are shown here at 1024 lower resolution which looks good on computers and is reasonably fast to load.
# 474 –
# 475 –
# 478 – Sharpshooter and skirmishers.
# 483 Cavalry advance
# 486 – Officer on horseback.
# 495
# 503
# 505
# 509
# 517
# 518
# 530 – Union volley.
# 535 – Cavalry Sergeant on horseback, with pistol, eyeing the situation.
# 547 – Union Cavalry Sergeant races forward as part of a flanking harassment move.
# 551 – Union Cavalry Sergeant on horseback harassing the Rebel troops.
# 555
# 564
# 568
# 569
# 571
# 575 – “C’mon Bubba, we got to skedaddle! Them Yankee boys is a gittin too close fer comfort!” Rebels scrambling to get away from advancing Union skirmishers.
# 620 – The Commander-in-Chief, President Abraham Lincoln.
# 699 – The pause that refreshes. It was hot for the reeneactors.
#709 – Union Gun crew – 1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment Battery A Morgan’s.
#716 – Union Gun crew – 1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment Battery A Morgan’s.
#722 – Union Gun crew
# 729 – Officer on horseback reviewing Union troops in camp before battle.
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