C3A1 Sniper Rifle

C3A1 (via Twincamharley )

C3A1. The scope mount shown appears to be the original Parker-Hale one for the C3A1.  (via Twincamharley )

The C3A1 Sniper Rifles with Unertl 10X scopes were procured by the Canadian Armed Forces in 1988. 500 were obtained by having Parker-Hale in England “refurbish” the “old” C3 sniper rifles. The Canadian Armed Forces did not have Capital money at the time, but did have Operating money. Allegedly, everything was replaced “except for the bolts and the stocks.” 


The C3A1 had a removable magazine, a Parker-Hale bipod, a “C3” 10-power Unertl scope and no iron sights. 

Originally the C3A1 rifle were reportedly fitted with the same wooden stock as the C3, however there was an upgrade program to refit C3A1 rifles with McMillan A2 synthetic stocks as the wooden stocks could be affected by moisture. There were the same concept of spacers to adjust the butt length (now being called “length of pull” by Americans) and an adjustable cheek-rest. 

Canadian sniper, apparently in Afghanistan. It looks like he is using a C3A1 sniper rifle with a synthetic McMillan A2 stock. Photo appeared 2002-02-11 NOTE THAT THE PHOTO MAY HAVE BEEN DOCTORED. THE BORE WAS 7.62 mm, BUT IN THE PHOTO IT MAY BE CLOSER TO .5″ (12.7mm).

The Canadian C3 Sniper Scope originally used on the C3A1 sniper rifle is a 10 power Unertl which is the same as the U.S.M.C. version except that it is calibrated in Metric and is marked C3 rather than USMC. After Unertl went out of business, USO made MST-100 scopes which are almost the same, though Canada is not known to have bought any. Some Canadian C3 sniper scopes ended up in U.S. Marine Corps service as when the War on Terror broke out, they “raided” Unertl’s facility and took every scope of this model, including those on-hand awaiting delivery to Canada. 

The C3A1 was used in combat in Afghanistan and remains in the system for training purposes. Some at least have been modified with Picatinny Rails and older telescopes from the Timberwolf have been moved to the C3A1. 

Parker-Hale went out of business about the time that they finished the contract for the C3A1 rifles and this made spare parts procurement a huge problem and this was a major reason for looking for a replacement sniping system. 

C3A1 sniper rifle DND photo
C3A1 rifle with Picatinny Rail replacing the original Parker Hale C3A1 scope mount. This enables the Canadian Army to change scopes easily, and I have heard that scopes from the C14 Timberwolf have been moved to the C3A1. (Photo credit: Canadian Army)


CFB Gagetown 2003. The event appears to be an international sniper competition. The rifles here appear to be the C3A1 with the McMillan stocks.
CFB Gagetown 2003. The event appears to be an international sniper competition. The rifles here appear to be the C3A1 with the McMillan stocks. (Colin M Stevens’ Collection)


The Canadian Government has not sold firearms to law-abiding Canadian citizens for decades, so access to a real C3A1 is very limited. In the Fall of 2023, I arranged for a visit to the CFB Borden Base Museum. The wonderful staff allowed me to photograph their original C3A1 sniper rifle which was in storage. Sadly this one has been deactivated and does not have a scope fitted. It would originally have had an Unertl 10X scope, marked as a C3, but other scopes were also fitted later in service. Here are some photographs that I took. 


Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum


Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle - CFB Borden Base Museum
Original C3A1 sniper rifle – CFB Borden Base Museum



I was forunate enought to be able to buy this raCanadian issue sniper scope for the Canadian issued C3A1 sniper rifles.

Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope - Left side - Colin Stevens' Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope – Left side – Colin Stevens’ Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope - top - Colin Stevens' Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope – top – Colin Stevens’ Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope - right side - Colin Stevens' Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope – right side – Colin Stevens’ Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope - bottom - Colin Stevens' Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope – bottom – Colin Stevens’ Collection


Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope - ocular lens - Colin Stevens' Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope – ocular lens – Colin Stevens’ Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope - objective lens - Colin Stevens' Collection
Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope – objective lens – Colin Stevens’ Collection

The Unertl 10X “C3” sniper scopes are extremely hard to find and are very expensive. Canada ordered 571 of these and I only see one a year appear on the market. The Americans like to buy these due to the lower Canadian dollar and fact that the USMC used an identical scope, different only in the markings (USMC) and calibraion (Imperial rather than Metric). 


Parker-Hale scope mount for Unertl scope of C3A1 sniper rifle
Parker-Hale scope mount for Unertl scope of C3A1 sniper rifle
Parker-Hale scope mount for Unertl scope of C3A1 sniper rifle
Parker-Hale scope mount for Unertl scope of C3A1 sniper rifle
Parker-Hale scope mount for Unertl scope of C3A1 sniper rifle
Parker-Hale bi-pod NOS for C3A1
Parker-Hale bi-pod NOS for C3A1

I want to build an authentic clone of a C3A1 as Canada will not sell any firearms to Canadian citizens. I have a rare Unertl 10X C3 sniper scope for the C3A1, Parker-Hale bipod with handstop and spigot and the Canadian sniper sling for the C3 and C3A1. I am seeking a C3A1 scope bracket (I had two brackets two years ago but let them go), C3A1 stock (original Parker-Hale wooden stock or the later fibreglass McMillan A2), a Parker-Hale M87 (would consider an M86) rifle and C3A1 magazine(s). I can legally purchase an rifle out of the UK or USA to be imported Canada using a firm that handles legal firearms cross-border transactions.