In 1944 – 1945, the John Inglis factory in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, manufactured hundreds of thousands of 9mm pistols of the Browning High-Power model. The Browning factory in Belgium was captured by the Germans in 1940 and staff were forced to continue producing the Model 35 Grand Puissance for Nazi use.

Nationalist China liked pistols with buttstocks that doubled as holsters. Canada stared producing these for Nationalist China in 1944 as the No. 1 Mk. I and No. 1 Mk. I*. In addition to the shoulder stock which doubled as a holster, they had a tangent rear sight graduated up to 500 yards. A belt clip attached tp the soldier’s belt and the holster could be hooked onto it when not in use on the pistol as a stock. The Chinese also called for a web holster that was terrible as it was far too tight a fit. The first production of these pistols had Chinese characters on the slide.

Special Operations, Executive (S.O.,E.) the World War II British sabotage and resistance organizing organization, was tasked with “setting Europe ablaze” by Prime Minister Churchill. S.O.,E. ordered pistols from Inglis, but with the fixed rear sight and without the wooden stock/holster or the slot in the backstrap for it. This became the No. 2 Mk. I and No. 2 Mk. I* pistol. This pistol was adopted by the Canadian Army and by the British and Canadian Airborne. This pistol was used by units such as the British Special Air Service (S.A.S.). It is still the standard pistol for the Canadian Armed Forces, though they are just now looking at replacing them.

All of these pistols used the standard German 9mm Parabellum “Luger” ammunition, 9X19mm.

Recommended reading:
- Small Arms Training Volume I, Pamphlet No. 11, 1945 PISTOL CANADIAN SUPLEMENT PISTOL, AUTOMATIC, BROWNING, F.N. 9 MM h.p. 1945
- Canadian Army Manual of Training (CAMT) on the Inglis pistol
- W.O. Code No. 12299 User Handbook for the PISTOL, BROWNING, F.N. 9 mm. H.P., No.2, MARK I Land Service 1958
- INGLIS DIAMOND – THE CANADIAN HIGH POWER PISTOL by Clive Law 2001 Collector Grade Publications
- THE BROWNING HIGH POWER AUTOMATIC PISTOL by R. Blake Stevens 1984 Collector Grade Publications
- THE INGLIS-BROWNING HI-POWER PISTOL by R. Blake Stevens Historical Arms Series No. 15 Museum Restoration Series. No date, circa 1970s.