The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride performed at the Swangard Stadium in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada on 2017-08-18.
Display, Activities & Roving Entertainment. The RCMP helicopter came in and landed for a brief visit.
Pre-show entertainment by:
The RCMP “E” Division Pipes and Drums – This is a civilian Pipes and Drums band that works with the RCMP.
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
RCMP Musical Ride.
O Canada
Meet and Greet with the RCMP Musical Ride
The photos are roughly in sequence, but not exactly as I was using two cameras with different zoom lenses.
SOLD OUT performance.
People were even sitting in the aisles on the steps! (D90 322)
Burnaby parade float (?)(D90 074)
“Here comes your ride Sir!” Two RCMP members awaiting the arrival of the RCMP helicopter.” (D90 030)
Display sign for the Tactical Armoured Vehicle II (D90 003)
RCMP Officer photographing the landing of the RCMP helicopter at Swangard Stadium. (D90 031)
RCMP helicopter landing at Swangard Stadium. (D90 033)
“Hey Sergeant! The Pilot says I am too big to go up in the helicopter!” RCMP members (regular and Auxilliary) talking with the helicopter pilot. (D90 047)
“They only issue us Auxiliaries bicycles.” RCMP members looking at the RCMP helicopter. (D90 042)
“Bye Bye Birdie” The RCMP helicopter departs.
Tactical Armoured Vehicke II (TAV II) made from an ex-Canadian Army Cougar. (D90 011)
As the RCMP’s TAV II would have looked like in Army service. A Canadian Armed Forces Cougar as a monument at Vernon, B.C. in 2017. (DSC_0580)
“Hey kid, can you show me how to work this thing?” Emergency Response Team member with remote controlled robot and a visitor. (D90 061)
RCMP Emergency Response Team member with robot/(D90 027)
Bomb Disposal robot. Made in Canada. (D90 051)
Stilt Walkers dressed as Mounties. (D90 026)
“Long cool woman in a red dress …”. A stilt-walker. (D90 071)
Young Casey Wright, Guest of Honour, with “the Brass”. (D90 101)
Larry Wright, professional photographer and father of Casey Wright, the Guest of Honour.
“Gotcha” RCM Police Dog catches a fleeing “felon”, actually an officer wearing a special padded suit. (D90 066)
Police dog handlers with their dogs. (D7100a 007)
“Stay!” Three police dogs. (D7100a 009)
Police dog handler with puppy police dog and young boy with a drag for the puppy to grab. with his teeth.
(D7100a 014)
“Another bad guy caught by the dog squad’s youngest member.” (D7100a 020)
The opening parade.(D7100a 031)
The opening parade. (D90 075)
The opening parade. (D90 079)
R.C.M.P. “E” Division’s Pipes and Drums –
Drum Major (right) and Pipe Major (left).
(D7100a 035)
R.C.M.P. “E” Division’s Pipes and Drums. (D90 092)
R.C.M.P. “E” Division’s Pipes and Drums –
Drum Major (in centre.
(D7100a 046)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
Grupo Axé Capoeira (Brazilian music, dance and martial arts)
The R.C.M.P. Musical Ride emerges from the forest of Central Park.
(D7100a 226)
The Musical Ride enters the stadium grounds.
(D90 123)
The Officer Commanding the Musical Ride entering the stadium grounds.
(D7100a 232)
The Musical Ride enters the stadium grounds.
(D90 126)
(D7100a 234)
The Officer Commanding the Musical Ride on his black horse with his sword drawn. (D7100a 240)
The Musical Ride formed up upon arrival to salute the senior RCMP Officer and the Guest of Honour, youing Casey Wright. . (D90 128)
(D90 141)
(D90 157)
(D90 163)
Two small circles. (D90 185)
The Star Formation. (D90 198)
The Wagonwheel Formation. (D90 204)
(D90 212)
Single Horse Criss-cross (D90 216)
(D90 219)
(D90 226)
(D90 228)
(D90 232)
(D90 177)
(D90 182)
(D90 186)
(D90 191)
(D90 193)
The Star Formation (D90 195)
The Star Formation (D90 195)
(D90 234)
(D90 239)
(D7100a 253)
(D7100a 264)
Two way traffic. (D7100a 266)
(D7100a 296)
A foursome. (D7100a 373)
The Dome Formation closeup of one side.
(D7100a 373X)
(D7100a 7373X)
(D7100a 373X)
(D7100a 373X)
(D7100a 373X)
(D7100a 373X)
(D7100a 373X)
(D7100a 373X)
(D7100a 373X)
“Don’t hit the Riding Master!” (D7100a 291)
(D7100a 292)
(D7100a 294)
(D7100a 297)
(D7100a 302)
(D7100a 312)
(D7100a 314)
(D7100a 316)
Lance Drill. (D7100a 330)
“Lance Drill, with attitude.” (D7100a 320)
Lance Drill. (D7100a 327)
Police Officers enjoying their work. (D7100a 339)
(D7100a 257)
(D7100a 271)
(D7100a 272)
“They are watching …” The officer Commanding and a Ride Master watching the performance.
(D7100a 290)
(D7100a 276)
Beginning of the Bridal Arch Formation.
(D7100a 279)
(D7100a 289)
(D7100a 280)
(D7100a 252)
The Officer Commanding the Musical Ride gives a salute with his sword.
(D7100a 246)
The Officer Commanding the Musical Ride gives a salute with his sword.
(D7100a 247)
The Officer Commanding the Musical Ride gives a salute with his sword.
(D7100a 250)
(D90 288)
(D90 149)
Formed up for the Dome Formation, with lances upright. (D90 256)
The Dome Formation. An image of this was on the back of the old $50 Canadian bill. (D90 259)
The Dome Formation (D90 262)
The Dome Formation, recovery of lances to the upright position.
(D90 264)
“Whoa!” The Charge Formation com,ing to a halt. (D90 278)
Forming up again after the Charge Formation.
(D90 280)
The Musical Ride March Past. (D90 286)
Miss Karis Ducharme Singing “O Canada”.
Fairly well done but at the end she changed the music going up instead of down.
(D7100a 373X)
Mayor Derek Corrigan addressing the crowd.
(D7100a 373X)
“The swarm.” The audience was invited to come down and meet with some of the Musical Ride members. Some riders formed a traditional semi-circle to pose for photos with VIPs. (D90 295)
Mrs. Jeanette Stevens speaking with Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan. As “Miss Brue”, she taught his son Sean in Grade 3. Sean is now 6’6″ and has visited 65 countries. (D90 300)
Guest of Honour, Casey Wright speaking with my wife, Jeanette Stevens, a retired Burnaby School Teacher. (D90 318)