1967 Ferret convoy in Cyprus with UNFICYP. DND photo PCN67-107
Three Ferrets on patrol in Cyprus. Sentinel magazine claimed it was the Fort Garry Horse (FGH), but the above photo claims it was LdSH and indeed the Roadrunner (orange figure) is on the side of the nearest Ferret, but note the white cowboy hat of the FGH. Perhaps it was immediately after the handover between units.
In 1965 there were 26 Canadian Ferrets serving with UNFICYP. Some came by air, and others came by sea on HMCS Bonaventure.
54-82589 (now owned by David CUSSINS in the USA)
54-82591 (UNITED NATIONS yellow letter decal found on green hull under old paint)
54-82604 *
* Not on the 1965 Oct 14 RCD War Diary Appendix 6 list.
The presence of another Ferret indicates that at least one was rotated in and probably one rotated out, or one was added.
War Diary RCD UNFICYP 1965 Oct App 5 Veh Rpts Box 78 File 634
This list was compiled from photographic information, a DND web site (RCD in “UNIFICYP – United Nations Forces in Cyprus 1964”) and RCD War Diary 14 Oct 1965 Appendix 6 (Courtesy of the Directorate of History). Any additional info or corrections would be appreciated. Colin Stevens seaforth72 (at) gmail.com
Some British Ferrets also served with UNFICYP as temporary replacements while Canadian Ferrets were in the British shop in Cyprus being repaired and the Canadians used at least one with a turret so it was probably one of these.
Mar. 1964
Oct. 1964
Royal Canadian Dragoons (RCD)
RCD used "Snoopy" cartoon character.
Oct. 1964
Mar. 1965
Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians) [LdSH(RC)]
LdSH used "Roadrunner" cartoon character.
Apr. 1965
Aug. 1965
Royal Canadian Dragoons (RCD)
RCD used "Snoopy" cartoon character.
Sep. 1965
Apr. 1966
Royal Canadian Dragoons (RCD)
RCD used "Snoopy" cartoon character.
May 1966
Oct. 1966
8th Canadian Hussars (8CH)
Oct. 1966
Apr. 1967
Fort Garry Horse
FGH used a "White cowboy hat" in silhouette.
May 1967
Oct. 1967
Royal Canadian Dragoons (RCD)
RCD used "Snoopy" cartoon character.
Canada pulled out of UNFICYP in 1993, although we may still send a liaison officer.
Royal Canadian Dragoon Frerret crews at Valcartier, talking with Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Walsh before deploying to Cyprus in 1964. (CAJ Vol XVIII No1 1964-p6)
Loading Ferrets into HMCS Bonaventure enroute to Cyprus. 1964 (Photo HS-74490)
Ferret being unloaded from HMCS Bonaventure at Famagusta, Cyprus UNFICYP March 30, 1964
Ferret and kids candy Cyprus 1967 (CF CYP67-3-1)
1967 Ferret convoy in Cyprus with UNFICYP. DND photo PCN67-107
54-82601 – Canadian Army Ferret MK. I CAR 54-82601 with UNFICYP in Cyprus in 1964
54-82591 UNFICYP Cyprus 1968. Cartoon on side of vehiocle may be Popeye but I am not certain. Photo courtesy of Tom Beatty
54-82585 Ferret in Cyprus with UNFICYP DND CYP67-29-2
54-82585 54-82585 Ferrets with UNFICYP in Cyprus. RCD troops.
54-82549-UNFICYP-RCD-close-up-of-CAR painted on front
54-82525 and 54-82604 identifiable. Ferrets in Cyprus. Lead vehicle 54-82575 has white Snoopy dog symbol (RCD) on Port sloped upper armour (below right knee of man seated on top.)
54-82507 with twin wirecutter bars installed. Has Roadrunner symbol on the eide. with UNFICYP in Cyprus.
54-82500 Ferret with UNFICYP in Cyprus with Fort Garry Horse From 1968 Sentinel Oct 1970 p34
54-82500 & 54-82547 Dennis Crocker with Ferrets UNFICYP in Cyprus. Photo courtesy of Dennis Crocker.
54-82500 leading 54-82557 in UNFICYP, Cyprus, DND photo CYP66-302-2
Ferret in combat firing at Turks UNFICYP Cyprus 1964 DND photo CYP64-56-1
Ferret under fire UNFICYP Cyprus 1964 DND photo CYP64-31-10
Ferret being unloaded from HMCS Bonaventure at Famagusta, Cyprus UNFICYP March 30, 1964Canadian Army RCD Ferret Mk. I being unloaded from a lighter at Famagusta, Cyprus March 30, 1964. 16 Ferrets, 36 trucks and 160 tons of stores had just been delivered for the Canadian troops via the aircraft carrier HMCS Bonaventure. The special cages to protect the opening on top were discarded by orders of the senior officer immediately upon arrival in Cyprus. UN Photo 84462///Bottom centre RCD Ferret is marked with lazy “D”. Unit sign is white 52 on Red/Yellow Armoured Corps unit sign. March 30 1964?///Ferrets of Lord Strathcona Horse (LdSH) patrolling in Cyprus, 1964. fp 129 Always A Strathcona. [see next photo which claims to be FGH but photos appear to be taken the same day.]///Officer (2/Lt?) of the reconnaissance squadron of the Royal Canadian Dragoons on patrol in the Trodos Mountains of Cyprus. The 1919A4 Browning is held in a No. 8 Mk. I machine gun mounting. The symbol on the side is for Support Company .///Two Canadian Army Ferrets of LdSH recce squadron patrolling near Nicosia in Cyprus in February 1965 with the United Nations UNFICYP. These would be RCD. Photo DND CYP-65-148-2///Identified as two Ferrets of Lord Strathcona Horse (LdSH) patrolling near Nicosia, Cyprus in February 1965. HOWEVER the RCD were on duty there then, not LdSH. Photo p. 231 of Relentless Verity.///March Past at UNFICYP Headquarters in Nicosia, Cyprus, 2 August 1966. Ford 1953 M38A1CDN CAR number 53-33070 passing Ferrets. Note Ferrets have Browning 1919A4 machine guns, B Squadron markings (square) on upper sides of hulls, armoured corps unit sign with “5” apparently (which looks a lot like a “3”). This would be 8 CH.///Ferret of Fort Garry Horse in Cyprus, February 1967. Officer is Lieutenant P. R. Bova.///Two Ferrets patrolling a village in Nicosia area of Cyprus pre-1968. Note that left hand one has a turret – normally seem on British Ferrets, not Canadian so it is likely a vehicle left for UNFICYP by the Brits. There is a decal on right side of upper hull. It may say UNITED NATIONS and be the yellow lettering as per the one found on Ferret 54-82591. (Original LdSH’s “COYOTE”)///Identified by DND as Royal Canadian Dragoons (RCD) Ferrets on patrol in Kyrenia District of Cyprus in August 1967. BUT kit bag on rear Ferret has man’s unit Fort Garry Horse. Canadian Forces photo PCN 67-107Ferret 54-82589 now owned by David Cussins in the USA. Photos of here as received, as she was sold surplus. 54-82589 as received by David CUssins in USA UN decals painted over54-82589 as received by David Cussins in USA UN decals painted over54-82589 as received by David Cussins in USA UN decals painted over