The British Security Co-ordination was a British WWII intelligence organization that controlled British intelligence matters in the Americas. It was led by William (Bill) Stephenson from Winnipeg. His code name was “Intrepid.”
There are many myths about the BSC organization which emanated mainly from the book “A Man Called Intrepid”
Two cap badges for BSC were made by SCULLY in Montreal but they were never formally approved and were never worn.
Obituary of Superintendent Ernest Bavin RCMP & BSC
My notes of my interview with Supt. Ernest Bavin, RCMP & BSC. He was Intrepid's Liaison Officer with J. Edgar Hoover and the F.B.I. He spoke about the cap badges at 119 ft. into the tape. Master tape deposited in collection at Fort Battleford NHP.
The very rare BSC cap badges
Surperintendent Bavin is buried in the North-West Mounted police Cemetery in Battleford, Saskatchewan.
Transcription of my notes: BSC cap badges Colonel Bourne British ex-Commissioner of Shanghai Police he was working under Bavin (very resentfully) at Washington. He wanted to put his men in uniform + he got these badges made and Intrepid said "No! We are not going to be identified as a uniformed corps at all."
Back of the two BSC cap badges. Both were made by W. SCULLY in MONTREAL, Canada. Note that the lugs have been cut off of the larger badge. - Colin M Stevens' Collection
Grave of O.254 (Officer number 254) SUPT. ERNEST W. BAVIN R.C.M.P. MAY 15 1888 FEB 17 1982