* For Sale – Manuals – Canadian, British and Commonwealth

Note that Canada often reprinted British manuals as they fought alongside each other and the training was the same for many years.


SAT Vol 1 No13 GRENADE 1937 Canadian Army printing 1940
SAT Vol 1 No13 GRENADE 1937 Canadian Army printing 1940
$25 Small Arms Training (SAT) Volume I Pamphlet No. 13 GRENADE 1937 (Canadian Army printing 1940) 5" x 7-1/4" 49 pp Illus. Covers No. 36 M Mk. I (WWII version of the WWI "Mills Bomb"), Grenade Launching Cup. Original.
CAMT 5-32 Mines Individual Mechanisms 1947
CAMT 5-32 Mines Individual Mechanisms 1947
$25 CAMT 5-32 Canadian Army Mines - Individual Mechanisms 1947 with Amendments 1, 2 & 3. 87 pp. Lots of illustrations.
$15 CAMT 7-5 MANUAL GRENADES (Revised) 1956 reprinted with Amendment No. 1 (156. 58 pp Illus. $15.00
Two copies available.
1. Clean $15
2. Stamped 5th (BC) Field Battery R.C.A. and named by SGT DALPE on cover.
Sten Manual Modern copy (1)
Sten Manual Modern copy (1)
$5 CAMT 7-10 REPRINT (modern) of manual THE MACHINE CARBINE (STEN) 1953 CAMT 7-10 15 pp
Manual Rocket Launcher M20 3-5 inch (1)
Manual Rocket Launcher M20 3-5 inch (1)
$20 CAMT 7-12 (ex-CATP 11-7) RARE - ROCKET LAUNCHER 3.5 Inch M20 (1952) Korean War manual. Crew also armed with U.S. M3A1 SMG "Grease Gun" as Canada, for a brief time, was looking at adopting all American small arms. $20
Anti-Aircraft LMG WO Code 8683 1951
Anti-Aircraft LMG WO Code 8683 1951
$20 WO Code No. 8683 1951 ANTI-AIRCRAFT LMG Infantry Training Vol. 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pamphlet No. 6 The Light Machine Gun [Bren Gun] Supplement No. 1. Korean War. 11 pp. 4-3/4” x 7” NO illus. Amendment pages No. 1 and No. 2 included (loose). Canadian issue marked. Scarce original manual.


>>> CANADIAN <<<
Manual Preventive Maintenance for "B" Vehicles, Motorcycles and Universal Carriers WWII Canadian Army 1943
Manual Preventive Maintenance for "B" Vehicles, Motorcycles and Universal Carriers WWII Canadian Army 1943
$2 CAD Preventive Maintenance COPY
Canadian Army Training and Qual Drivers and Driver Mechanics
Canadian Army Training and Qual Drivers and Driver Mechanics
$10 CAD “The Training and Qualification of DRIVERS and DRIVER MECHANICS” Canadian Army 1942. 5-1/2” x 7-3/4” 13 pp. NO illus. Issue marked to 59th Battery RCA. Original manual
Manual Auxilliary Police Manual Air Raid Precautions Vancouver BC WWII
Manual Auxilliary Police Manual Air Raid Precautions Vancouver BC WWII
$10 CAD Auxiliary Police Manual -Civilian Protection Air Raid Precautions Vancouver BC Canada. WWII 112 pp. Names of officers inside. 4-1/4” x 6-1/2”
SAT Vol 1 No13 GRENADE 1937 Canadian Army printing 1940
SAT Vol 1 No13 GRENADE 1937 Canadian Army printing 1940
$10 CAD TIRE MAINTENANCE Canadian Army 1942 illus. 16 pp. 5” x 8” Includes the tire pressures for various sizes of tires, rotation, damage. Name inside: K738682 Sgt. Geo. Sawley. Good condition. Original.
$2 CAD CAMT 2-3 CEREMONIAL Canadian Army 1950 including amendments 1 & 2 Reprinted from W. O. Code 8470 which superseded the 1935 manual.
Manual Aide Memoire C-42 (1)
Manual Aide Memoire C-42 (1)

Manual Aide Memoire C-42 (2)
Manual Aide Memoire C-42 (2)
$5 CAD AIDE-MEMOIRE Radio Set C-42 January 1970 (Pacific Region I Staff) Pocket booklet. $5
Manual Aide Memoire TA-43PT (1)
Manual Aide Memoire TA-43PT (1)

Manual Aide Memoire TA-43PT (2)
Manual Aide Memoire TA-43PT (2)
$5 CAD Aide Memoire Telephone TA-43/PT Canadian 1970.
$5 CAD ELEMENTARY DRILL MANUAL - University of Toronto COTC Canadian Officers Training Corps 1942
Good for WWII re-enactors. $5
Manual Regulations Drivers CDN 1944 (1)
Manual Regulations Drivers CDN 1944 (1)

Manual Regulations Drivers CDN 1944 (2)
Manual Regulations Drivers CDN 1944 (2)
$20 CAD REGULATIONS FOR DRIVERS OF M.T. VEHICLES AND UNIVERSAL CARRIERS AND MOTORCYCLISTS 1944 (not applicable to Armoured Fighting Vehicles_ Small, to fit in with pay book. Form filled out for GALWAY W. (?) S. , Canadian Armoured Corps 1944
Drill Manual Air Cadets 2002
Drill Manual Air Cadets 2002
$2 CAD DRILL MANUAL Royal Canadian Air Cadets 2002. 80 pp.
Drill Manual Royal Canadian Air cadets pre-2000
Drill Manual Royal Canadian Air cadets pre-2000
$2 CAD DRILL MANUAL Royal Canadian Air Cadets pre-2000 94 pp
Customs & Traditions Rifle Regts W WPG R
Customs & Traditions Rifle Regts W WPG R
$3 CAD Booklet - Customs and Traditions of Rifle Regiments Published by the Royal Winnipeg Rifles sometime after 1980 12 pp

$25 CAD RARE CATM No.8 1941 November >>>>> SNIPING <<<< Issues 1-9 were ordered to be destroyed so are scarce. This one has intact the fold out poster "TO MAKE A SNIPER SUIT" Feb. 1941 This predates the Ghillie Suits and Denison Smock. A RARE ISSUE. The manual has some serious water damage at the bottom rear pages but not the sniper suit fold-out page. The colour chart of Allied and Enemy Aircraft markings and shapes has tear whcih has been repaired with archival tape on the back. The obstacle course fold out at the back of the manual is water stained. The cover is loose.
CATM No 28 Supplement
CATM No 28 Supplement
$10 CAD CATM Special Supplement to C.A.T.M. No. 28 cancels Appendix VII to CATM No. 4 Aug 1941 20 pp
CATM No 29 1943 AUG
CATM No 29 1943 AUG
$10 CAD CATM No. 29 August 1943 42 pp
$10 CAD CATM No. 30 September 1943 47 pp
$10 CAD CATM No. 37 April 1944
CATM No 38 1944 MAY
CATM No 38 1944 MAY
$10 CAD CATM No. 38 May 1944 48 pp MG34; Elephants; Jungle Warfare; concealment of infantry positions
CATM No 40 1944 JULY Paratroopers article
CATM No 40 1944 JULY Paratroopers article

CATM No 40 1944 JULY Paratroopers article
CATM No 40 1944 JULY Paratroopers article
$25 CAD CATM No. 40 July 1944 48 pp Cover THE ARMOURED CORPS Article on"Paratroopers"; Fighting in Italy
>>> BRITISH <<<
$100 CAD ORIGINAL "PILOT'S NOTES FOR HELLCAT ! & II Double Wasp R.2800-10 or 10W Engine. 2nd Edition , one of 2,000 printed in Feb 1945. British Air Ministry Air Publication 2382A & B - P.N. This is a very hard to find ORIGINAL and is NOT one of the modern reprints.
Manual Signal Training Pam No 1 SIGNALLING CODES 1952 Amendments No 2
Manual Signal Training Pam No 1 SIGNALLING CODES 1952 Amendments No 2
$1 CAD WO 8721-2 Manual - Signal Training (All Arms) Pamphlet No. 1 SIGNALLING CODES 1952 Amendments No. 2 Dodument is dirty.
Lysander III and IIIA Pilot's Notes REPRINT (2)
Lysander III and IIIA Pilot's Notes REPRINT (2)

Lysander III and IIIA Pilot's Notes REPRINT (1)
Lysander III and IIIA Pilot's Notes REPRINT (1)

Lysander III and IIIA Pilot's Notes REPRINT (4)
Lysander III and IIIA Pilot's Notes REPRINT (4)
$25 CAD Pilot’s Notes LYSANDER III and IIIA Aeroplanes Mercury XX Engine. 5” x 7-1/2” x 1/8” Illus with photos. WWII. Type of aircraft used for artillery spotting and later for taking secret agents in and out of France. Air Publication 1582 C MUSEUM QUALITY REPRINT.
Driver's Handbook Excelsior Welbike 100-EMI REPRINT
Driver's Handbook Excelsior Welbike 100-EMI REPRINT
$15 CAD Driver's Handbook for EXCELSIOR 98 cc "WELBIKE" Book No. 100/EMI 33 pp 5-7/8" x 8-1/4" 1995 REPRINT. Sold new for $29.95. Very good condition.
Good Instruction - Part 1
Good Instruction - Part 1
$2 CAD Manual, British "Good Instructions Part 1 for Officers and NCO Instructors" Feb 1947 WO 8162. 98 pp $1
Manual Maint of Army Vehicles 1940 (1)
Manual Maint of Army Vehicles 1940 (1)

Manual Maint of Army Vehicles 1940 (2)
Manual Maint of Army Vehicles 1940 (2)
$5 CAD INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND CARE of ARMY VEHICLES (Wheeled) 11 Nov. 1940 Small pocket manual. Top corner of cover cut away, presumably to remove soldier's name. $5
Infantry Training Vol 1 TRAINING 1926 British (1)
Infantry Training Vol 1 TRAINING 1926 British (1)

Infantry Training Vol 1 TRAINING 1926 British (2)
Infantry Training Vol 1 TRAINING 1926 British (2)

Infantry Training Vol 1 TRAINING 1926 British (3)
Infantry Training Vol 1 TRAINING 1926 British (3)

Infantry Training Vol 1 TRAINING 1926 British (4)
Infantry Training Vol 1 TRAINING 1926 British (4)
$10 CAD INFANTRY TRAINING Vol. 1 TRAINING 1926 H.M.S.O. Little red hard cover manual. Covers drill formations, saluting, rifle exercises, drills for all levels of command up to division; feu-de-joie, funerals etc. Over 300 pp. Lots of diagrams for drill. Some amendments added. Loose advertisement page at beginning.
Notes No 16 NORTH AFRICA 1943 Oct 1943
Notes No 16 NORTH AFRICA 1943 Oct 1943
$25 CAD Notes from Theatres of War No. 16 NORTH AFRICA November 1942 - May 1943 144 pp. Some fold out maps.
FSPB 1932 (1)
FSPB 1932 (1)

FSPB 1932 (2)
FSPB 1932 (2)

FSPB 1932 (3)
FSPB 1932 (3)

FSPB 1932 (4)
FSPB 1932 (4)
$30 CAD Field Service Pocket Book 1932 & London UNDERGROUND map. F.S.P.B. Corrected to December, 1931 H.M.S.O. Named to a Canadian in 77th Field Battery R.C.A. who went overseas in WWII. Handy reference for officers. An aide memoire on many topics (organization, map reading, movement, accommodation, weapons, supply, medical service, veterinary, abbreviated titles, weights & measures etc. ALSO an original London Blitz period map of the Underground dated Number 3 1939. Complete map, but well used and tears along some of the folds. This was there! Great reference for writers about the Blitz.