ALL CANADIAN LAWS ARE COMPLIED WITH, no matter how stupid they may be.
Live firearms and live ammunition require the appropriate Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL). Restricted firearms would require the relevant PAL with RESTRICTED endorsement. The PAL acts as an automatic background check and the police check ALL Canadian legal firearms owners EVERY DAY. Firearms owners must first pass R. C. M. Police tests for safe handling and there are strict rules to follow regarding storage, display, transportation and use.
This page covers firearms, firearms parts, direct accessories such as slings, holsters, carrying pouches, ammunition carriers, cleaning kit, ammunition (live or inert), For other webbing such as belts, canteens, helmets etc. please see myFOR SALE – Equipment page.
This is a hobby, and being retired and on a pension, I have to sell off some items so that I may buy other items that interest me.
Note that the deactivated former firearms that I have for sale are for sale in CANADA ONLY. Deactivated full-auto former firearms cannot be imported into the USA due to the very different American laws.
MOSTof the hand guns and rifles may be exported to the USA legally, but there is a cost involved, a month or more wait, and they would need to be import marked by the importer. If you are interested, contact BORDERVIEW FIREARMS LOGISTICS in Lynden, WA. They are an FFL and I have imported and exported through them.
For comments on Canadian firearms laws, please see the bottom of this web page.
Table 1 – Firearms
Table 2 – Firearms Parts and Accessories (see also Militaria – Equipment for things such as ammunition pouches.) (below Table 1)
Table 1 – FIREARMS – Live or former firearms that have been deactivated. I am not a dealer. I am just downsizing and focussing my collection.
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – Left side
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – Right side
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – rifle sn and year
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – Left side action
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – scope sn on wrist and bolt sn
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – S51 marking
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – sn on magazine
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – T marking
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – rifle sn on bracket
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – scope sn on wrist of butt
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – scope markings Also has red W and blue B.
L-E No4 MKI T V32804 23662 Colin Stevens – Red W, caps numbers and S marking
SOLD PENDING FUNDS $8,000 CAD Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk. I (T) SNIPER rifle. All matching numbers - body, bolt, scope, bracket, butt, fore-end, magazine. With original lens scope caps and a correct WWII vintage but undated M1907 sling. Scope has been serviced by Warren Wheatfield.
NO scope case.
NO transit chest.
Rifle EAL SN 1640 top – peep sight
Rifle EAL SN 1640 (8) Recoil pad
Rifle EAL SN 1640 (7) Pistol grip
Rifle EAL SN 1640 (6) Eight side of body
Rifle EAL SN 1640 (1) Left side with SN Canadian Arsenals mark
Rifle EAL SN 1640 (4) Fore-end
Rifle EAL SN 1640 (5) Front sight
Rifle EAL SN 1640 (1) Left side with SN
Rifle EAL SN 1640 (9) Left side with SN
CAD $850 E.A.L. Rifle. .303 British. 1950s made by Essential Agencies Limited. These are NOT sporterized ex-military rifles. They were built this way. Available on the civilian market and some were issued to the R.C.A.F. as survival rifles (e.g. for bombers operating in the arctic.) Some were apparently issued to some Canadian Rangers. There were several versions of the Essential Agencies Limited rifles made. This one has the army style 10-rd magazine and "L" flip peep sight. Another type has a 5 round magazine and open "V" sight on the barrel. Information is on the Internet on the models.
German Zf41 sniper scope bracket
German Zf41 sniper scope bracket
German Zf41 sniper scope bracket
German Zf41 sniper scope bracket
$450 CAD WWII German Zf41 sniper scope bracket.
Accuracvy International mount. Has Simrad mount integral. L17A1.
$250 CAD - Accuracy International Mount for the L96A1 and PM rifles. Held the Simrad mount integral. L17A1.
Accuracvy International mount for Schmidt & Bender PM6X42 on L96A1 Green Meanie.
Accuracvy International mount for Schmidt & Bender PM6X42 on L96A1 Green Meanie.
$250 CAD - Accuracy International scope mount for the L96A1 and PM rifles. Held the Schmidt & Bender PM6X42.
Bren Gun sling with snap hooks, mint.
$250 CAD - 1944 Bren Gun sling in mint condition, made by Zephyr, Loom and Textile Limited (ZL&T). CANADIAN issue marked. With New Old Stock snap hooks still in cosmoline in Canadian issue box.
PIAT NOS replacement bubble levels - one per PIAT - bottom and top views
$10 CAD EACH (2 available) - PIAT bubble level. New Old Stock.
Cheek rest M1C and M1D NOV 1962 ORIGINAL Cheek rest M1C and M1D NOV 1962 ORIGINAL
Cheek rest M1C and M1D NOV 1962 ORIGINAL
Cheek rest M1C and M1D NOV 1962 ORIGINAL
Cheek rest M1C and M1D NOV 1962 ORIGINAL
$350 CAD - M1C and M1D Garand sniper ORIGINAL leather cheek rest. Used. Marked "MRT 11-62" with lace.
M1D rear hand guard NOS ORIGINAL - underside
M1D rear hand guard NOS ORIGINAL - upper side
$25 CAD - M1D Garand sniper rear hand guard, New Old Stock (NOS), Mint.
Ross MkIII bolt DA 134 Ross MkIII bolt DA 134
WANTED Ross Mk. III Bolt # "D.A. 90" from HMS CANADA to complete a matched set of rifle and bayonet. TRADE, PURCHASE or TRADE plus money.
Bolt for Ross Rifle Mk. III (M-10), also used on H.M.S. CANADA. D.A. 134. No rivet as it is an early CEF exchange.
$15 CAD Box magazine loader. For French VIGNERON SMG. Looks like Sten box loader but it will NOT fit a Sten magazine. Marked "VIGN." $15
Tool for Bren Gun Mk. I
$15 CAD Tool for Bren Gun Carried in spare parts wallet. $20 (Price is for one. Several available)
Vickers MG belt, early pattern with metal spacers. Vickers MG belt, early pattern with metal spacers.
$250 CAD Scarce Vickers Mk. I machine gun belt, early pattern with metal spacers, mint. $250
For Sale 2020-05-30 BATCH 2 (33) Vickers belt 1964
For Sale 2020-05-30 BATCH 2 (34) Vickers MG belt 1964 - markings
$100 CAD Vickers Mk. I machine gun cloth ammunition belt Mark IV. No metal spacers, mid-WWII style. New old stock, mint. Dated JUNE 64. Maker T.F. & S. LD. (My number CMS3051) $100
$200 CAD British Vickers Mk. I Machine Gun water hose connector (hose end made of brass). Small markings on one side "42" presumably 1942) and "/|\" (British issue mark. Original, brass. This is complex piece that fits on the end of the hose. Residue of original hose is on it.
A rare original WWII SAS, Airborne or LRDG weapons clip for jeep as mounted on a front fender. Made from a converted British bicycle weapons clip.
A rare original WWII SAS, Airborne or LRDG weapons clip for jeep as mounted on a front fender. Made from a converted British bicycle weapons clip.
A rare original WWII SAS, Airborne or LRDG weapons clip for jeep as mounted on a front fender. Made from a converted British bicycle weapons clip.
A rare original WWII SAS, Airborne or LRDG weapons clip for jeep as mounted on a front fender. Made from a converted British bicycle weapons clip.
A rare original WWII SAS, Airborne or LRDG weapons clip for jeep as mounted on a front fender. Made from a converted British bicycle weapons clip.
$200 CAD WWII British Airborne jeep rifle clip. EXTREMELY RARE! This is a rifle rack clip from a Rigid Bicycle, converted to fir on the fender of a jeep to hold a rifle fore-end. This one came out of New Zealand several decades ago. It is the ONLY one that I know of. $200
For Sale 2020-05-30 BATCH 2 (8) No4 MkI backsight F rear face For Sale 2020-05-30 BATCH 2 (9) No4 MkI backsight F front face
$95 CAD Back sight, Mk. I for the No. 4 rifle. This is the fine adjusting sight often mistakenly called "Singer sight" by collectors. The sights were designed and made by RSAF Enfield starting in 1930. This one was made by Fazakerley and has the "F" mark.. $95
L-E No4 MKI cocking piece MKI Stevens-Savage
$190 CAD Early round cocking piece for Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk. I. STEVENS-SAVAGE These were only made between 1931 and early 1942. The designed was changed in 1942 to a simpler pattern. These are sought after by people restoring the early rifles. This one was made by Stevens-Savage in 1941-1942.
Oil bottle for U.S. M1, M2 and M3 Carbines.
$10 CAD Oil bottle for U.S. M1 Carbine. Fits into side of butt and is held in place by the sling.
The deactivated items listed here are older deactivations. No paperwork from the RCMP exists nor is any paperwork needed. Contrary to the rumour and misunderstandings, it is NOT necessary to reweld them to current guidelines. Here are the RCMP’s own words on this: “The new standards will not affect the status of firearms that have already been deemed to be deactivated unless there is evidence that the firearm has been, or could easily be, reactivated. … The regulations pertaining to the safe storage and transportation of firearms do not apply to firearms that have been deregistered due to deactivation. It remains important, however, to store and transport them safely to deter loss or theft. “
If the link does not work, then RCMP web site Search for RCMP + deactivated
Also search for RCMP and “Storing, transporting and displaying firearms”
I am happy to help families find good, LEGAL homes for unwanted firearms and militaria. Note that is you are dealing with firearms in an estate in Canada, the Executor may apply for special legal coverage to allow them to deal with the firearms (e.g. sell them to licenced people), even if they do not personally hold the relevant licences. Search: RCMP firearms Executor estates. Please DO NOT simply hand over firearms and ammunition to the police, even for temporary safe-keeping as these are VERY difficult to get back and are almost always destroyed. The R.C.M.P. members can be very uncooperative I have found and they sometimes lie (I was lied to several times as were others) and sometimes they are obstructionist, making the legal process very difficult. Just ask the people of High River, Alberta who had firearms and ammunition illegally seized by the RCMP after a flood. The police may refuse to return any legal ammunition, even if placed with them in temporary safekeeping. I would be happy to help in any legal manner that I can.
My late father-in-law was BCPP (1941-1950) and RCMP (1950 – 1970) and he retired as a Staff-Sergeant. I worked with RCMP history for 8-years and I have great respect for what the NWMP/RNWMP/RCMP were. Sadly today, the RCMP have a very bad reputation regarding legal firearms and their licenced owners, as many, but not all, Mounties treat these law-abiding citizens like criminals.
In High River Alberta, there was the illegal search and seizure of over 500 firearms (later returned upon the direct order of then Prime Minister Harper) and their seizure (and reported destruction) of over two hundred thousand rounds of ammunition worth a lot of money. This constituted theft and destruction of legally owned private property.
As well they have disseminated incorrect information regarding the law. In Canada, one needs to have a valid firearms licence in order to obtain firearms, ammunition and now some components such as barrels and magazines. It has been that way for many years. RCMP Assistant-Commissioner F____ late in 2015 on a radio talk show said that anyone in Canada could buy ammunition without a licence. That is blatantly UNTRUE and is deliberately alarmist. Having been a policeman for many years, he MUST have known that BASIC fact of the law, so that raises the question of what his motives were. Naturally, he was later promoted.
When obtaining a small firearms collection from an old veteran who had placed them for safe-keeping with the RCMP while he found a person who could accept them legally, I found that the RCMP Constable handling this LIED to me several times and was needlessly obstructionst. I finally had to go over his head and speak to his superior.
Sadly, the RCMP are still at it in 2018. While Bill C-71, a stupid new gun law that the Liberals reammed down our throats and which only hassles law-abiding gun owners and does NOTHING to restrain criminals, was still being discussed in Parliament and the Senate. The RCMP “jumped the gun” and put on their websites warnings for owners of certain presently legal non-restricted rifles (Swiss Arms and some CZ firearms) to register their firearms BEFORE the end of June 2018 or face confiscation BEFORE THE LAW WAS EVEN PASSED! They were forced to take that down. It does show the anti-gun bias that has developed in the last few decades of the RCMP.
2018-07-11 : Daniel Guay, Senior Firearms Technician, Firearm Technology Unit, Supervisor, RCMP Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) wrote to a collector who was purchasing a deactivated ex-firearm that had RCMP certification as being deactivated in 1975 and told the person that it had to conform to current standards which is incorrect and contradicts the RCMP’s own web site. He of all people knows the rules and this is yet another example of senior RCMP members giving out incorrect information.
In 2020, the Commissioner of the RCMP put pressure on RCMP investigators to release details on the (all illegally obtained – 3 smuggled and one stolen from an RCMP officer the “suspect” killed) firearms used by a mass murderer in Nova Scotia. She had promised Minister Blair and Prime Minister J. Trudeau that she would get the information as they wanted it to use as they were prepareing new anti-gun legislation. They drafted hasty legislation using the tragedy as an exfuse and prohibited over 1,500 types including some hunting shotguns, empty non-reloadable rocket launchers and even a web site! The Commissioner, Blair and Trudeau have all denied the allegatiosn made by three RCMP personnel.
Trudeau is pushing through more draconian anti-gun legislation in 2022 in the wake of a FOREIGN TRAGEDY which had NOTHING to do with Canada. He uses tregedies to push his own political agendas which for the most part only affect law-abiding Canadians, not criminals. It has NOTHING to do with public safety.
To import a firearm from, or export one to, the USA:
This requires legal procedures. They MUST be imported/exported legally. I highly recommend “Borderview” in Lynden, Washington State. They hold both US FFL and Canadian PAL. They can legally move firearms etc. across the Canadian-American border as long as they meet legal requirements. Deactivated ex-firearms from Canada cannot go to the USA.
Do NOT try to smuggle guns from the U.S.A. into Canada or from Canada into the U.S.A.!
Remember this even though there is a double standard in Canada. Do not be like a Toronto policeman did and try to smuggle guns into Canada. This police officer was smuggling an unlicenced, PROHIBITED short barreled and LOADED revolver (not allowed in Canada), PROHIBITED brass knuckles and knives and had more illegal firearms at home. He received a conditional discharge, three-year probation and 20-days suspension! An ordinary citizen would have been convicted and jailed for years. [Reference: 2016-03-08 story “Toronto Cop Caught with Illegal Handgun, Brass Knuckles, Knives at US Border” by Stephen Spencer Davis].
Another police officer was caught (2016?) with an illegally possessed shotgun (he did not have a PAL) and it was stored unsafely as per the law. He too reportedly received a slap on the wrist. A double standard indeed.
For those who do not know, “concealed carry” is not allowed in Canada, except for bodyguards for politicians such as Prime Minister Trudeau and for a few police detectives or intelligence operatives. “Open carry” is also extremely limited (e.g. Armoured Car Guards) and even prospectors carrying armloads of gear in the wilderness have great difficulty in obtaining a permit to carry handguns for defence against bears, wolves, Wolverines etc. In Canada we are supposed to call 911 … and wait. “When seconds count, the police will be there … in minutes.” (or hours), so please remember ask your assailant to be patient.
“Background Checks” are done EVERY SINGLE DAY ON EVERY LICENCED FIREARMS OWNER IN CANADA, contrary to the lies put out by the anti-gun crowd.
EVERY legal firearms owner in Canada is vetted and licenced by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Anyone owning, buying or borrowing ammunition or firearms MUST have a licence (a “PAL”)
An “assault weapon” is a made up term to confuse and scare the public. The rock that David used to slay Goliath was an “assault weapon, indeed ANYTHING used to assault someone becomes an “assault weapon.”
Canada has very strict laws concerning firearms. These laws are TOTALLY different from the U.S.A. The illegal firearms used by criminals and terrorists, contrary to the lies put out by the Liberal Government, are almost all are smuggled into Canada from the U.S.A. A small number are stolen from the military, and a few from gun shops and private owners. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police LOST the following firearms between 2020 and September 2024:
122 pistols
55 shotguns
23 rifles (incorrectly called “Patrol Carbines” by police but if I owned one it would be called an “Assault Rifle” by the government.)
3 Sub-machine guns
2 machine guns (WHY do our police needs machine guns?)
There is no word on how they were lost or if any have been recovered, e.g. at crime scenes.
In Canada it is illegal to own or have possession of any firearm and/or ammunition UNLESS one has one or more licences from the Federal Government (i.e. the R.C.M.P.) Even then one must have the right category of licence and in many cases, one must also have a licence for the particular firearm (e.g. a hand gun) AND have an Authorization to Transport to move said firearm anywhere. The Liberal Party are gradually prohibiting ALL types of firearms in Canada, adding more to the banned list every time they get into power. Canadians do not have firearms rights, unlike our neighbours in the U.S.A.
Prohibited – I am not licenced for any of the many different “Prohibited” categories, so none are here. “Prohibited” categories includes live machine guns, converted-automatics (CA i.e. converted to semi-automatic), small hand guns (including regular Lugers) many types of scary looking rifles, one-handed cross-bows, and now ALL AR-15 type civilian rifles, their uppers, some shotguns, some .22 calibre rifles etc. There are multiple categories of “Prohibited” and it is extremely confusing. Prohibited firearms can be deactivated at which time they become non-firearms and then they can be owned by anyone in Canada. NOTE: Almost all “Replica” firearms are PROHIBITED in Canada, even if made of wood and plastic. However most, but not all, AIRSOFT “guns” are legal because they actually fire something, though at low velocity. Canada has multiple “Prohibited” categories. Most are “Grandfathered” i.e. owner at time of the law’s change may keep, buy, sell, trade within that narrow category. An exception is the dictatorial Trudeau Lieberal Government’s prohibition of about 1,500 firearms and other items on 2020 May 01. These items mare allowed to be retained until 2022 April 30, and then must be deactivated permanently or surrendered for destruction. This includes ALL AR-15 family of firearms and some but not all AR-10 (depends upon the maker!). The government LIES and calls it a “buy-back” but as we did not buy them from the government, it is legal theft, legally called expropriation. They have not budgeted for this and have not released any plan. Why do I call it a dictatorial action? Because it was NOT discussed in Parliament by our elected representatives. It was decided by Order-in-Council, which is the Prime Minister and his Cabinet ONLY. There are veterans who invested their pensions in legal firearms businesses (sporting goods stores, ranges etc.) and are stuck with hundreds of thousands of dollars of inventory that they cannot sell and cannot return to the USA. The excuse that the Lieberals used to pass this illogical law, which only affects law-abiding voters, is a mass-murder in Nova Scotia. That murderer used smuggled firearms that the RCMP had been told about, but refused to act upon, and an RCMP issued handgun taken from a police officer whom he murdered. NONE of these would have been affected by this new law. Americans will be puzzled by this and other Canadian gun laws. They have NOTHING to do with public safety and are all about disarming the Canadian people bit-by-bit. Remember that Trudeau said “Registrastion will not lead to confiscation.” Well, he lied.
Restricted – PAL with restricted endorsement. Generally hand-guns and scary looking rifles that are not (yet) “prohibited” by the Liberal Government. The Liberal-NDPCoalition Government froze almost all legal handgun transfers so licenced law-abiding Canadians are no longer allowed to buy, sell, trade, inherit or bequest handguns. When a person dieds, the government plans to confiscate and destroy them. Many serious collectors are now stuck with many thousands of dollars of now virtually worthless legally acquired and licenced handguns.
Non-Restricted – Standard PAL required.
Antique – No simple definition. Very old and ammunition not easily available. No PAL required. The U.S. Pre-1898 rule does NOT apply, nor does “100-years” the normal definition of the word “antique”.
Deactivated – No longer a firearm as the deactivation is PERMANENT. No PAL required. NOTE: Older deactivations DO NOT require additional deactivation to meet current guidelines as long as they cannot easily be reactivated. Deactivations in Canada today are usually done by gunsmiths who deregister them through the RCMP. In the past most deactivations were done by military forces and it is only recently that some deactivations come with paperwork. (ref. RCMP web site).
Confusing, isn’t it? Even the police do not understand all of these laws, partly because the laws are written by anti-gun people who have no idea what they are talking about.