Genealogy is the study of one’s family history, ancestors and relatives. My genealogy pages are for the Colin MacGregor Stevens’ families and will focus on the following:
STEVEN / STEVENS / STEPHEN / STEPHENSON – from Brechin, Angus, Scotand
MacGREGOR / McGREGOR from Kinloch Rannoch, Perthshire, Scotland and St. Catharines, ON, Canada. Seeking ancestors of Neil MacGREGOR who was born in Kinloch Rannoch in 1816. His father was Duncan (c.1792-1852). Duncan’s mother was Katherine.
HEAKES – from England to Toronto, ON, Canada
FRY – Pennsylvania Dutch (i.e. Deutsche = German) from Switzerland or Southern Germany to Bucks County, PA, USA and in 1800, to Niagara Penninsula (The Forty and The Twenty areas) Ontario, Canada.
DRAPER – Boston, Mass., USA to North Gwillumbury (near Barrie), Ontario, Canada. Joel Draper did serve in the War of 1812 in the Flank Company, 1st York, and was at the Capture of Detroit and the Battle of Queenston Heights.
CRITTENDEN – There may be a United Empire Loyalist connection through Benjamin CRITTENDEN who apparently served in the R
HUME – Jane M HUME (1862-1952) was born in Warwick, Ontario. The HUME family came from Donegal, Ireland, before 1833.
GARDNER – Bertha “Betty” May GARDNER (1891-1966) was born in Essex County, Ontario, Canada. Her father was William Allen GARDNER (1859-1937) married Jane M HUME (1862-1952). The GARDNERs were English. apparently from Glouchestershire.
WOOD – Susan Pemberton WOOD (1863-1940) married Francis Ryley HEAKES . Her father was Thomas WOOD (1830-1902) of Birmingham, England and her mother was Jennie FLAVELL (1828-1900) of Edgbaston, England.
COUSE Neil MacGregor married Anna COUSE [pronounced cow-zeh] (1828-1898). Her father was Moses Snover COUSE (1800-1862) and mother Mary Wismer FRY (1795-1876).
McDIARMID – Katherine MCDIARMID (1767-1839) married Peter MACGREGOR in Fortingall Parish, in Perthshire, Scotland. They lived in Kinloch Rannoch.
ARNOTT – Margaret ARNOTT (1814-1901) in Brechin, Angus, Scotland married William STEVEN (1815-1890)
- MCKAY IPossibly Sutherland Country Scotland, to Inner Hebrides (Isle of Muck) to Cape Breton Island NS Canada to Plymouth Mass to Welland Ontario
- BEATON Cape Breton NS Canada
- MACDONALD Cape Breton, NS Canada
- WHITE from Cornwall, England to Simcoe, White’s Corners (now renamed Dalston), Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada
My “Ethnicity Estimate” from Ancestry.ca as of 2024-09-05 SEPTEMBER
Southern Hebredies & southwestern Scottish Highlands
- England & Northwestern Europe 32%
- Ireland 7%
- Wales 2%
Additional Communities
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island SettlersFrom your regions: England & Northwestern Europe; Ireland; Scotland
- Prince Edward Island & Cape Breton Island Settlers
Southern Ontario SettlersFrom your regions: England & Northwestern Europe; Ireland; Scotland
- Western & Central Ontario Settlers
I am also on:
- MyHeritage.com
- 23andMe
- GEDmatch.com
- Member of the British Columbia Genealogical Society (BCGS)
Genealogy (this page)
MacGregor Genealogy
THE HISTORY OF CLAN GREGOR by Amelia Georgiana MacGregor of MacGregor published 1898-1901
Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Razor
Our MacGregor Letters
Rob Roy MacGregor
Kinloch Rannoch, Perthsire, Scotland – Main home of my MacGregors
Killichonan, Perthshire, Scotland – Some of my MacGregors were buried there.
Fortingall. Perthshire, Scotland – My MacGregors were in the Parish of Fortingall.
Culloden Battlefield – There were some MacGregors at the battle, including an Aide-de-Camp to the Prince, but most of them had been placed holding a castle or sent on a special mission and thus missed the battle.
Stevens Genealogy